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Social Studies Research

Social Studies Research - The website of the Biography Channel.  Each biography includes citation information. - The website of the History Channel.  Each article includes citation information. - This site maps traditional Native American lands in North America, provides links to those tribes' websites, and more. 

Yad Vashem - The website for the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, which documents, researches, provides education about, and commemorates the Holocaust.

Countries Research Sites

WorldBook Encyclopedia – Enyclopedia with good general information about a broad collection of topics. See Mrs. Reid for the login outside of school.

CIA World Factbook – The Central Intelligence Agency maintains a very complete and up to date website with information on every country. 

US Department of State – The State Department’s site focuses on travel aspects of each country, related to travelers from the USA. 

National Geographic – Information on many countries.  Use the search to find information on the country you’re researching.

BBC Country Profiles – The British Broadcasting Corporation maintains profiles on almost every country.