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Dodge City Public Schools Enrollment

Welcome Back to School Year 2025-2026!

A new year brings new opportunities, so enjoy each day and never stop learning. First day of class is Thursday, August 14, 2025.


Kinder-12th Grade

Online Enrollment: starts July 7, 2025  |  Skyward

In Person Enrollment at the Civic Center | 2110 1st Avenue:

Tuesday, July 15: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Wednesday, July 16: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.



  • You will need your PARENT SKYWARD PASSWORD
  • Call IT Help Desk at 620-371-1080 to reset password
  • General questions, call 620-371-1000


Nutrition Applications available July 1


Bright Beginnings PreK Applications

Onsite at the District Office | 2112 1st Avenue:

Tuesday, July 15: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Wednesday, July 16: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Please bring:

Proof of income from the last 12 months such as:

  1. Tax Return, W-2, letter from SRS, or latest check stub
  2. Child’s Birth Certificate
  3. Medical Card, KanCare, or Private Insurance (if applicable)
  4. Child’s Current Physical/Dr’s note is required for any allergies
  5. Hemoglobin
  6. Blood Lead Result
  7. Child's Immunization Record
  8. 2 Emergency Contacts with name, address and phone #


Currently enrolled students that attend Dodge City Public Schools on an uninterrupted basis will be allowed to continue enrollment. (Based on BOE Policy JBC.)

Nonresident student enrollment information is now available. The number of open seats available to nonresident students for each grade level, as well as the application for those open seats, will only be available January 1st - June 15th, 2024. Nonresident student applications that are accepted will be contacted on or before July 15th, 2024. (Based on BOE Policy JBCC.)


If you are new to our school district, please click on the pencil for more information. 

If you are a returning student who missed the enrollment period, please call your school to complete the process.

New to Dodge City


USD 443 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, military status, primary language, and/or disability. This non-discrimination policy applies to admission, employment, programs, activities, and providing equal access to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Career and Technical (vocational) and/or other educational programs of the school.

By enrolling your child/children in USD443, you consent to the use of your child's image (photographs, etc) in school-related activities and publications. Your consent authorizes Dodge City USD 443, including its assigns and transferees, to copyright, use, and public such images/videos with or without your child's name and for any lawful purpose, including publicity, illustration, advertising, and web content.  Photo Consent/Deny forms are available through the enrollment process through your Skyward Family account.